"NOOSE" The Hangman's Tale
A True Historic Tale of Death by Rope
Documentary Television Series
Episode # 1
"No More Pain"
James Workman had been tied to his bed with cords and beaten over the course of many hours. The doctor who examined his body identified nearly thirty significant wounds, inflicted sometimes with a mop handle and sometimes with other things such as a “butcher’s instrument”.
Starring: Stephen McHattie, Allison Plamondon, Michael Hough, Peter McNeill, Kevin B. Hartley,
Malik McCall, Olivia Hammond, Michael Delany, Bryan Edwards.
Episode # 2
Starring: Stephen McHattie, Chuck Shamata, Lawrene Denkers, Joel Lacoursiere, Jim Canale, Al bernstein, Mark Whelan.
Nicholas Melady Sr. was found brutally murdered alongside his pregnant wife. The murderers turned out to be none other than Melady's own son, Nicholas Melady Jr. and son-in-law, Thomas Donovan.
Episode # 3
"The Delaware tragedy"
Starring: Stephen McHattie, Maya Misaljevic, Molly Lewis, John V. Corbett, Tony White.
A small town was rocked by the brutal murder of
12-year-old Mary Jones, leading to a trial that
exposed family betrayal and ultimately resulted
in the public execution of her uncle.
Episode # 4
"Children's Pardon"
Starring: Stephen McHattie, Mark Cowling.
William Harvey, was arrested for the brutal murder of his wife Matilda and two daughters Lillian and Geraldine and attempted murder of his eldest son. Harvey was a well-known and highly respected citizen in Guelph and was convicted along with his eldest daughter Elizabeth.
Episode # 5
Starring: Stephen McHattie.
A 17-year-old boy murdered four members of the Cooke family in Little Rideau, Ontario. The killer, Frederick Mann, was an immigrant from London who had been hired by Mr. Cooke as a manservant and farmhand.
Episode # 6
"Lust or Love"
Starring: Stephen McHattie. Brielle Robillard.
William Milman, a 19-year-old from Prince
Edward Island, found himself entangled in a
tragic chain of events that led to his ultimate
Episode # 7
"A Woman Scorned"
Phoebe Campbell shocked the nation when she
confessed to the brutal killing of her husband,
George, amidst allegations of domestic violence.
Phoebe met her fate on the scaffold in June 1872.
Starring: Stephen McHattie, Brooke Palsson
Episode # 8
"30 Dollars For A Life"
Starring: Stephen McHattie, William Foley.
John Young began to hatch a wicked plot. As Abe McDonald passed, by on a deserted road, John climbed onto the back of the wagon and hit him over the head, killing him instantly, searched the body and found his payoff for taking a human life - $30.00.
Episode # 9
The Crown presented a solid case and the only response left to the defence was the claim that the evidence was circumstantial and did not directly tie the prisoner to the killing. Circumstantial or not, the jury returned a verdict of guilty and Brown was sentenced to pay the ultimate penalty for his crime.
Starring: Stephen McHattie.
Episode # 10
"The Devil Made me Do It"
Starring: Stephen McHattie, Charlotte Marron, Jackson Martin
17-year-old Lizzie Anderson, who had come over from nearby Saltford to enjoy the festivities with her brother, Willie. Lizzie and Willie made arrangements to meet at 6:30 p.m. to walk home together, and then parted company. It would be the last time that Willie would see his sister alive.
Episode # 11
"Old Never Let Go"
Starring: Stephen McHattie.
On February 17th the two men set out for Woodstock and upon their arrival walked toward Blenheim swamp. As they entered the swamp, Birchall took out a revolver and shot Benwell in the head twice, killing him. He then dragged the body deeper into the swamp and left it there before returning to Buffalo
Episode # 12
"Insurance Man"
Starring: Stephen McHattie, Megane Proulx
The police began an investigation of the death and it did not take them long to figure out that this was more than just an accident. The injuries caused by the axe were not at all the sort that would have been caused by a falling tree. In addition, Welter told the police that William had been struck by the falling tree as he at-tempted to rescue his watch which he had dropped on the ground
Episode # 13
"The Flames of Love"
That evening he poisoned Mary with the strychnine and then set fire to the house leaving two of his children, Gordon and Harold, inside and taking his 6-year-old daughter Monta with him as he fled the burning building. Neighbours were soon awakened by the blaze and arrived at the burning house but there was little they could do, and by the time the fire was under control only the lifeless bodies of Mary and the two boys remained.
Starring: Stephen McHattie.